Life without Death

 'Death', when we hear this word, everyone's mood becomes gloomy and doleful and it is obvious too because when someone was there living in this world with us and suddenly we come to know that we wouldn't be able to see him or communicate with him ever again is certainly tragic. But have you ever had a thought that nature is so powerful that it created 11.3 million diverse species living in every nook and cranny of this planet but still made all of them vanquish someday? 

If we look Biologically, death is one of the three parts of life; Birth, Give Birth, Death. This helps for one main reason, balancing the population. Nature too knew that overpopulation is a big threat to all living beings and we are seeing its problems now. Nature made it like, One generation arrives in this world while the older ones walk through the exit door. 

 If we look Philosophically, Death is what completes and gives meaning to the cycle of life. If we were to be immortal then we wouldn't have had known the real value of life and the work we do as we know that we have a whole, never-ending life ahead. As it is rightly quoted:-

"The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever."

Until now we talked about natural death, but what about the animals which are hunted down by predators? This too is a very beautiful and tasteful way of nature to preserve only the strongest ones. Say, for example, there are two animals, deer and lions, then lions would definitely kill deer for prey, so now only the strongest deer would survive as they are strong enough to survive lion attacks. So now the whole deer species would have strong deer as the weaker ones became the prey of the lions. Now that only the strong deer survive, so now lions too need to evolve to changing deer types. Now lions need to be stronger than deer to fill their stomach. This causes a chain of evolution and hence only the strongest survive and are now one more step closer to perfection. 

So, to sum up, Death is truly a very tragic thing in life but if we see the bigger picture it also has some advantages. I would like to wrap this up with a beautiful quote.

"People are so drugged behind immortality that they are ready to even die for it."


  1. Amazing.. this point was also raised in the ssereies Shiva trilogy of Amish. And it is actually a necessity to control population or else our next generation will kind of vanish

  2. thank you....true....i have the shiva trilogy but unfortunately it is in i could read only 45 pages and 2 lines

  3. Very well said Arjun . Whenever you are coming in this world by birth make sure that Death will come But you thought of the other way !!!

  4. Very clear thoughts. Keep thinking.


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