Grandfather Paradox

 Firstly, let me tell the readers that this post is related to my previous post, so I would recommend the ones who have not read my previous post to read it and then read this one.

       In my last post, I had talked about what would happen if future people attacked us. Now in this post, I will talk about the aftermath of the future people attacking us. I am writing this post keeping in mind that time travel is possible even though practically it is not, for now.

     Let us list the characters in this scenario, first is us, who we will call the 'present people' or simply 'us' and the second one is the people from the future who we will call the 'future people'.

  Now, in the last post, I said that future people could attack us, now let me add one more point here, let us say they attacked us to kill us, now if that is the case, then we are their ancestors, so they descended from us, so if we die then they too will cease to exist in the future, so they too will die. Note that the future people are in their past, i.e. in our present. So, to brief up, until now there is a theory that if we were to go back in time and kill our young grandfathers then we ourselves would die in that case because if grandfather died then he would have no children and ultimately we wouldn't be born in the first place. 

  Now, let us look at it the other way. The future people killed us so they died themselves, but now going forward in time there are no more future people, so, ultimately no more time-travelling machine and so no more time travel, so, then, if in the future time travel would not be invented now, so we wouldn't die as future people won't invade us as no time machine is there. let us simplify this with the same grandfather example-Now that grandfather is dead, so we too are dead. Note that we died in the past at the time grandfather died. So, going to the future, i.e. our present time, we won't be there, will be not the time machine through which we went back in time to kill our grandpa, so then grandpa won't die as time travel is not invented as we are dead now.

Confused?? You should be as this is made to confuse you. This concept is like, we are getting the answer but the answer then itself contradicts itself. As the concept itself has a word called a paradox, which means-"a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory."

Though some theories try to make this concept unparadoxical, one states that when we went back in time, we didn't go back in our timeline, but just created another parallel timeline but it then defies the theory that time is a straight line as it states that we just branched out another timeline from a straight timeline. 

But, no one knows the correct answer to this as this is a thought experiment and would not be proved correctly until someone invents time travel!



  1. Nice topic ... there is one more plausible theory which seems to fit it. It says that this is a warped time cycle where all the actions go into a never ending infinite loop similar to the movie Doctor Strange , however not exact as the loop will be instantaneous. This could put the whole universe into a drastic imbalance ... however as you said it is but a theory , the only way to confirm it is to test it which we surely don’t wanna do :) , else the universe will become a loop .

    1. Actually we can break the loop but for that we will need the time stone!😆

    2. yes i wanted to add that point but i myself would have had a brainstroke if i added that

  2. It's kind of confusing at first but later when the grandfather paradox comes, it's all clear
    #Grandfather paradox op in the chat
    Btw nice work😁

  3. Hats off man....
    You should direct a Sci-Fi movie dude


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