Could The Future Attack Us?

"We are being attacked by the future." 

This was one of the best dialogues of the movie Tenet. The plot of this movie was similar to this dialogue. But could this be true? Could the future people attack us? Why would they do such a thing?

 Looking at the current trend, humanity has been evolving very rapidly in the technological field, but at the same instant, we are depleting the natural resources for future people, in turn creating a lot of problems for them. So, could this be the reason for them to attack us? Let us take a closer look

From the point of view of future people.

For them, the whole natural world is destroyed, no more wild animals roaming around in jungles because there are no more jungles. Forests have been replaced by Industrial forests. There is no water to drink nor much food to eat as no more animals and plants survive. Not much agricultural land is available as no trees are there to renew the soil fertility. Oxygen levels are rapidly decreasing. People are using oxygen masks tied to cylinders on their backs wherever they go. Many important coastal cities like Mumbai, Sydney and New York have already drowned under the rising ocean due to the melting of polar ice caps because of global warming. 

 They only have one hope, their technology. In these years they have got a mastery in technological and scientific advancements. Maybe scientific knowledge might even have advanced so much that we might have invented a machine that takes us back in time. They could have used this machine for good deeds but there was no way remaining to help them. Now they could only take revenge, on us. the same us who cut trees in the first place and didn't care about it for centuries. The same us who killed innumerable species, hence, disturbing the ecosystem. The same us who deposited an immeasurable amount of greenhouse gases in the environment which heated the planet, which in turn swallowed many cities.

 Defending against our future generations would just be impossible to win. They would have all the weapons against us as they perfectly know about our weaknesses and strengths as we are their past, while we won't know anything about them because the future is always a mystery to the present. 

 Whatever I wrote until now might sound like a sci-fi movie script, of course, it is a sci-fi movie script, but only for the time being. If we do not change our ways then it would be costly for us and also for the future. we have got no right to destroy the living of our future generations and other animal species. We have got no right to manipulate with earth's environment to make it suitable only for us.

We need to change our ways because such stories look good only in Sci-Fi movies.


           This might be how Earth would look like if we don't stop our current deeds.


  1. Wow very interesting topic... however one major drawback is that the future people have to invent a time machine , and if they do come to destroy us they themselves wouldnt be born to invent it and this results into a continuous paradoxical timeline, so even if they want to destroy us and they somehow do have a time machine , they would definitely know the consequences of warping time . However it is very true that we need to take care of our environment to prevent worse consequences in the future.

    1. True
      He is our master by the way !!
      Sarvesh OP in the chat

    2. Oh thank you but i am not a master... i dont know much things yar :)

  2. yeah..that's the point..i will write about it in the next part

  3. A good blog to read and understand but the thing is they will be in the need of a doctor strange

    1. yeah, the time travel thing is currently not possible, but if we just accept it, then this might even be the scenario

  4. Very nicely written..! My Friend Arjun is very interested in Sci-Fi movies and I like to have at least one friend like that . So we can discuss many things .
    Yes it is very important to save oxygen , trees and water . Otherwise in the future that will all impact on us as an attack !!!
    Mumbai and Kolkata coasts are in danger. Rumours suggests that they will hit by water waves in 2050 !!!
    Remember the future must be saved otherwise it will make us in Danger

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Amazing efforts!! Loved itπŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. I wouldn't have even thought of this topic....
    Amazing blog man....


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