
Why Batman is the most Relatable Superhero

All of us, at some point of time in our life, have heard of the caped crusader or simply, The Batman. Though we call him a superhero, but even if you just watch any movie of batman(except batman and robin) u would never think that you are watching a superhero movie. We could call him, 'The closer to ground superhero'. What is the reason that though we may like other superheroes batman feels different from others? batman from comics 1.No superpowers  If anyone has seen any movies about Superman or Thor, you could say that they are gods, and literally, the latter is one. Although Gods play an important role in our life they are not the ones we could compare us with. But Batman is no god, nor is he a superhero, as he had said in The Justice League movie, he is just rich, which makes him more similar to us than Superman or Thor. Our mind feels more comfortable with people who are similar to us. Now, many of you might say that "So what, Iron man is also a normal, rich human!...

The Sator Square

 Tenet in all cases was a very good movie. I had talked about it's the time-traveling plot in my past blogs, if you haven't read them yet, please check them out. but, today I'm going to talk about a very fascinating thing in history which has got a huge role to play in Tenet.                                                                        This is the Sator Square. At first glance, This looks like some made-up words written by a 5-year old child. But if we say that these words have been repeated multiple times in course of history! A coincidence? Of course not. Lets look at each words meaning one by one- SATOR- (from serere- to sow) sower, planter, founder, progenito...

Life without Death

 'Death', when we hear this word, everyone's mood becomes gloomy and doleful and it is obvious too because when someone was there living in this world with us and suddenly we come to know that we wouldn't be able to see him or communicate with him ever again is certainly tragic. But have you ever had a thought that nature is so powerful that it created 11.3 million diverse species living in every nook and cranny of this planet but still made all of them vanquish someday?  If we look Biologically, death is one of the three parts of life; Birth, Give Birth, Death. This helps for one main reason, balancing the population. Nature too knew that overpopulation is a big threat to all living beings and we are seeing its problems now. Nature made it like, One generation arrives in this world while the older ones walk through the exit door.   If we look Philosophically, Death is what completes and gives meaning to the cycle of life. If we were to be immortal then we wouldn't ...

Grandfather Paradox

 Firstly, let me tell the readers that this post is related to my previous post, so I would recommend the ones who have not read my previous post to read it and then read this one.        In my last post, I had talked about what would happen if future people attacked us. Now in this post, I will talk about the aftermath of the future people attacking us. I am writing this post keeping in mind that time travel is possible even though practically it is not, for now.      Let us list the characters in this scenario, first is us, who we will call the 'present people' or simply 'us' and the second one is the people from the future who we will call the 'future people'.   Now, in the last post, I said that future people could attack us, now let me add one more point here, let us say they attacked us to kill us, now if that is the case, then we are their ancestors, so they descended from us, so if we die then they too will cease to exist in the futur...

Could The Future Attack Us?

" We are being attacked by the future."   This was one of the best dialogues of the movie Tenet. The plot of this movie was similar to this dialogue. But could this be true? Could the future people attack us? Why would they do such a thing?  Looking at the current trend, humanity has been evolving very rapidly in the technological field, but at the same instant, we are depleting the natural resources for future people, in turn creating a lot of problems for them. So, could this be the reason for them to attack us? Let us take a closer look From the point of view of future people. For them, the whole natural world is destroyed, no more wild animals roaming around in jungles because there are no more jungles. Forests have been replaced by Industrial forests. There is no water to drink nor much food to eat as no more animals and plants survive. Not much agricultural land is available as no trees are there to renew the soil fertility. Oxygen levels are rapidly decreasing. People ...

An Idea

 " What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea . Resilient. Highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks. Right in there somewhere."   This quote from Christopher Nolan's Movie, 'Inception' is one of the best ways to define an idea. Why are we made like this? Why can't we just forcefully forget an idea?  The answer lies in our evolution. We, humans, are social animals, we communicate for about 70-80% of our waking hours. So, which means that we somehow, directly or indirectly acquire knowledge for most of our time. We have evolved in such a way that our brain tries its best to not let any detail or knowledge go to waste.  But the question is, 'why can't we forcefully forget an idea?' The answer is, first of all, our brain has got two subunits, consciousness and subconsciousness. the consciousness...

The Extinction Of Dinosaurs Helped Us!!

 The extinction of dinosaurs was actually one of the reasons we are here. Can't believe it? Let's elaborate, the first notable multicellular creatures on earth were various kinds of fish that lived in water. But, after some time food became scarce in water, so some fish evolved and started growing limbs to become 'amphibians.' amphibians were the first creatures to walk on land. But they had to live near water to prevent drying up of their skin. this led to another mass evolution where some amphibians evolved into creatures with dry skin and fully terrestrial creatures: these were the reptiles. Point to be noted that all of the above-mentioned creatures are cold-blooded. As reptiles were the most successful animals until that point in time, they ruled the whole planet at that time. T-Rex on land, Elasmosaurus in water pteranodon in the air: all were rulers of their terrain.  But as everything has a beginning, a middle and an End, Dinosaurs were wiped out from the face o...